Kautilya, also known as Chanakya and Vishnugupta, wrote the Arthashastra in the second century AD though the date has not been conclusively established. A master stategist who was well-versed in the Vedas and adept at creating intrigues and devising political stratagems, Kautilya was the man who shattered the Nanda dynasty and installed Chandragupta Maurya as the king of Magadha.
With animal husbandry being the second biggest economic activity, milk was used for purposes other than just for consumption by people. As it turns out, ghee was an important byproduct. Cheese was being supplied to the army while buttermilk was fed to the dogs and cats. Other animal produce in the Kautilyan state were wool and various hides.
"Ghee, which had the advantages of being easily stored and transported, was the main end product. Cheese was supplied to the army, buttermilk fed to dogs and pigs and whey mixed with oil-cake used as animal feed. Wool was obtained from sheep and goats. Animal byproducts were hides and skins, hooves, horns, etc."