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Collecting knowledge like water drops | Arthashastra

जलविन्दुनिपातेन क्रमश: पूर्यते घट:।

स हेतु सर्वविद्यानां धर्मस्य च धनस्य च ।।

Jalvindunipaaten Kramashah Pooryate Ghatah |

Sahetu Sarvaviddyaanaam Dharmasya Cha Dhanasya Cha ||

A mere trickle of the tiny drops of water can-fill the pitcher. The same way we must keep on collecting knowledge, Dharma and money

We should not neglect even the tiniest fraction of useful knowledge whose treasure become great when collected even in bits. The same way we must go on accruing the merit by upholding our religious or moral tenets and by being fair to all. This is how we must go on collecting the wealth and riches. It is these tiny trickle which eventually become the massive reservoirs.


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