Artha, meaning wealth, is one of four supreme aims suggested by Hindu tradition. However, as the Arthashastra divulges, it has a much wider connotation, and the material well-being of individuals is just a part of it. A curiously inclusive discourse of statecraft, the Arthashastra is testimony to Kautilya’s genius and foresight.
The manufacturing sector serves as the backbone of any economy and a society. And the Kautilyan society divided its manufacturing into four sets.
The four categories of manufacturing industry were
State monopolies such as making weapons or brewing liquor
State-controlled industries such as textiles, salt and jewellery
State-regulated small industries of craftsmen such as goldsmiths, blacksmiths, weavers and dyers
Unregulated craftsmen like potters, basket makers, etc.
Though not mentioned specifically in the text, there were other industries such as the construction industry, ship and boat building and the manufacture of carts and chariots.