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Speak the truth, be straightforward | Arthashastra 245

निस्पृहो नाधिकारी स्यान्न कामी भण्डानांप्रिया।

नो विदग्ध: प्रियं ब्रूयात स्पष्ट वक्ता न वंचक: ।।

Nispriho Naadhikaaree Syaanna Kaamee Bhandampriyaa |

No Vidagdhah Priyam Brooyaat Spashta Vaktaa Na Vanchakah ||

A hermit is no authority on any subject; one who is not lecherous doesn’t need to decorate oneself; the scholars, seldom speak sweetly and the straight-forward, outspoken man is never a thug.

A hermit is a man who has renounced the world due to the aversion he felt for the material things. How can he, then, know about anything about the world? One decorates and gets make-up only to attract the opposite gender.

When lacking in that urge, the desire to decorate oneself does not arise. The scholars are those who, due to their learning, see the reality much more clearly than others. And since reality is always bitter, how can they speak sweetly?

Lastly, one who is not able to hide his true feeling can not hide his vile intentions also if he has them. But for thuggery or chicanery what needed is secrecy. Obviously, thuggery and outspokenness are not compatible.


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