Subhaashita Sutras - 10कर्ता कारयिता चैव प्रेरकश्चनुमोदकः | सुकृते दुष्कृते चैव चत्वारः समभागिनः ॥नित्यनीति: -30The doer, the promoter, the instigator and the approver, all the four share the responsibility equally in good or bad deeds.
कर्ता कारयिता चैव प्रेरकश्चनुमोदकः | सुकृते दुष्कृते चैव चत्वारः समभागिनः ॥नित्यनीति: -30The doer, the promoter, the instigator and the approver, all the four share the responsibility equally in good or bad deeds.