Subhaashita Sutras - 12अफलानि दुरन्तानि समव्ययफलानि च । अशक्यानि च कार्याणि नारभेत विचक्षणः ॥सुभाषितावली - 2720The wise would never launch anything which bears no fruit, which ends tragically, which has on no gain over the expenditure and which is impossible.
अफलानि दुरन्तानि समव्ययफलानि च । अशक्यानि च कार्याणि नारभेत विचक्षणः ॥सुभाषितावली - 2720The wise would never launch anything which bears no fruit, which ends tragically, which has on no gain over the expenditure and which is impossible.