Subhaashita Sutras - 22पात्रापात्रविशेषोऽस्ति धेनुपत्नगयोरिव ।तृणादुत्यद्यते दुग्धं दुग्धादुत्पदयते विषम् ॥प्रसङ्गाभरणम् - पु. 5There is always a difference between the good and the evil. The cow eats grass and gives milk. The serpent drinks milk and generates poison.
पात्रापात्रविशेषोऽस्ति धेनुपत्नगयोरिव ।तृणादुत्यद्यते दुग्धं दुग्धादुत्पदयते विषम् ॥प्रसङ्गाभरणम् - पु. 5There is always a difference between the good and the evil. The cow eats grass and gives milk. The serpent drinks milk and generates poison.