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Subhaashita Sutras 114-131

वैरायते सुहृद्भावः प्रदानं हरणायते ।

दर्पभूताभिभूतस्य विद्या मौख्यंशतायते ।।

दर्पदलनम् - 1- 34

When one is possessed by insolence, his friendship becomes enmity, his offerings become burglary and his knowledge becomes unadulterated stupidity in hundred folds.

कामक्रोधावनिर्जित्य किमरण्ये करिष्यति ।

अथवा निर्जितावेतौ किमरण्ये करिष्यति ॥

सुभाषितसुधानिधिः - पु 65-24

What use is it to stay in the forest when one has not conquered the passions? And what use is it to stay in the forest when one has conquered the passions?

काकः कृष्णः पिकः कृष्णः को भेदः पिककाकयोः ।

वसन्तसमये प्राप्ते काकः काकः पिकः पिकः ॥

कुवलयानन्दः - पु 164

Both the crow and the cuckoo are black and look identical, but the spring reveals the truth.

गुरौ नम्रा लघुन्युच्चा समे समतयान्विता ।

साधुवृत्तिस्तथा भाति तुलावृत्तिरिवोत्तमा ॥

नित्यनीतिः - 146

The wise are like a balance: heavy with the light, light with the heavy, and equal among equals.

गुणिनामपि निजरूपप्रतिपत्तिः परत एव सम्भवति ।

स्वमहिमदर्शनमक्ष्णोर्मुकुरतले जायते यस्मात् ॥

वासवदत्ता - 12

The virtuous come to know of their great qualities only through others like the all-pervading eye can see itself only through the mirror.

यदि सन्ति गुणाः पुंसां विकसन्त्येव ते स्वयम् ।

नहि कस्तूरिकामोदः शपथेन विभाव्यते ॥

कुवलयानन्दः -51

Virtuous qualities cannot be suppressed; the fragrance of 'Kastoori incense cannot be cancelled even by an oath.

धृतिः क्षमा दमोऽहिंसा शौचमिन्द्रियनिग्रहः ।

धीर्विद्या सत्यमक्रोधो दशकं धर्मलक्षणम् ॥

मनुस्मृति: -7-92

The true spirit of Dharma expresses itself in ten folds: steadfastness, compassion, sense control, nonviolence, purity, mind control, wisdom, knowledge, truth and non-temper.

सद्वृत्तेन हि तुष्यन्ति देवास्सत्पुरुषा गुरुः ।

ज्ञातयस्त्वन्नपानेन वाग्विशेषेण पण्डिताः ॥

सूक्तिमाला - 724

Gods, the elders and the good are appeased by righteous conduct; relatives are appeased by hospitality, and the scholars are appeased by learned talk.

निर्गत्य न विशेद्भूयो महतां दन्तिदन्तवत् ।

सर्पजिह्वेव नीचानां वच आयाति याति च ॥

कवितामृतकूपम् 22

The word of the wise is like the ivory of an elephant: it cannot be withdrawn. The word of the wicked is like the tongue of the snake: shows up and recedes always.

मित्रमपि याति रिपुतां स्वस्थानात्प्रच्युतस्य पुरुषस्य ।

कमलं जलादपेतं शोषयति रविर्न तोषयति ॥

नीतिद्विषष्टिका (परिशिष्टम् )

For a person who is removed from his position of power, even his friend becomes an enemy. The sun scorches the lotus when removed from the water, he does not make it bloom.

क्षमया दयया प्रेम्णा सूनृतेनार्जवेन च ।

वशीकुर्याज्जगत्सर्वं विनयेन च सेवया ॥

सूक्तिमाला 82

The world can easily be won by forgiveness, compassion, love, good words, honesty, politeness, and service.

प्रस्तावसदृशं वाक्यं सद्भावसदृशं प्रियम् ।

आत्मशक्तिसमं कोपं कुर्वाणो नावसीदति ॥

कवितामृतकूपम् - 97

He who speaks to suit a situation, acts according to one's intention, according to ability and equipment does not come to any harm.

यः पठति लिखति पश्यति परिपृच्छति पण्डितानुपाश्रयति ।

तस्य दिवाकरकिरणैर्नलिनीदलमिव विकास्यते बुद्धिः ॥

सूक्तिमाला - 186

He who studies, scripts, perceives and interrogates the wise will have a mind that blossoms like the lotus exposed to the rays of the sun.

जलबिन्दुनिपातेन क्रमशः पूर्यते घटः ।

स हेतुः सर्वशास्त्राणां धर्मस्य च धनस्य च ॥

हितोपदेशः 2 - 4

Drop after drop of water fills the pot. Likewise, the knowledge, wealth and righteousness.

धर्मो यो बाधते धर्मं न स धर्मः कुधर्मकः ।

अविरोधात्तु धर्मस्य स धर्मः सत्यविक्रम ॥

सूक्तिमाला - 233

Dharma, the way of life should not hurt the way of another's life. Dharma is non-hurting.

नयस्य विनयो मूलं विनयः शास्त्रनिश्चयः ।

विनयो हीन्द्रियजयः तद्युक्तः शास्त्रमृच्छति ॥

सुभाषितसुधानिधिः पु 60 - 1

Modesty is the basis of morality. The end achievement of all Sastras is the attainment of modesty. Modesty is the triumph over the senses. One who is modest will achieve the quintessence of all the Sastras.

लुब्धमर्थेन गृह्णीयात् क्रुद्धमञ्चलिकर्मणा ।

मूर्ख छन्दानुवृतेन तत्त्वार्थेन च पण्डितम् ॥

सुभाषितसुधानिधिः पु82 - 85

One can win a miser with bounty, the angry with submission, the idiot with like behaviour and the learned with scholarly disposition.

संपदो महतामेव महतामेव चापदः।

वर्धते क्षीयते चन्द्रो न तु तारागणः क्वचित् ॥

सूक्तिमाला - 129

Only the eminent ve rise and fall, not the mediocre. It is the moon that waxes and wanes, not the stars.


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